Syncing Your Male and Female Energy for Health, Happiness, & Success!



I have always been fascinated with the paradox of male/female energy that exists within our physical bodies. Here is a common list of words that have been generally used to describe Male and Female Energy.


Masculine Energy:

















Feminine Energy









Right brain





Soft allowing


Ponder over these associations of Male/Female Energies and see where you fit in? I fully embodied my Yin Energy early on in life. I was naturally intuitive, allowing, and nurturing. I operated in total Yinness for many years. It took a major life event for me to realize the importance of my personal Masculine or Yang Energy and when and where to activate it. Now, I value and see my Masculine Energy as equally important as my Female energy. I appreciate its power and usage in our modern world. I personally believe that when these two energies are in harmony, we have an optimized chance for success, health and happiness in our lives.


The synching of the Male/Female Energies within the body is foundational. It supports our endocrine system and hormonal balance. The awareness of your Male/Female Energy within your body is essential for the health of your reproductive organs.

Owning your reproductive organs is vital to your health. We can share ourselves physically with another through the act of making love but we must still clear that person’s energy out of our second chakra afterwards. Running only our own personal energy in our physical bodies is key to energetic health. Why is this? OPE (Other’s People’s Energy) can eventually accumulate and wreck havoc by forming cysts, fibroids, and tumor.) It can also cause random pelvic pain.

Here is some research on the energetic pathways of Male/Female system. “The body is energetically divided into two parts. The right and the left, male and female dominated sides. This is not a new concept as Yoga and Buddhism have made reference to the existence of male/female energies with the body for eons. Ancient writings imply the awareness the Yogis had of the power of maintaining balance between these two opposite energies.”

“Buddha taught it quite clearly. Each human being has a right and left hemisphere in the brain, which we classify as male and female, the right being female, left being male. The left or male side is in charge of the right side of the body and the right brain or female side is in charge of the left side of the body.”

10 years ago, I personally learned how to balance my Male and Female energy thorough Yoga, Meditation, and Chakra Balancing. These are all services that I now offer on my menu of somatic therapies @ I learned to sense whether there was excessive male energy in my space (quite often there was) and how to clear that. While the act clearing Male/Female energy from your energy anatomy system is vitally important, I also found that exploring the belief systems behind that Male/Female Energy is crucial for lasting change.

My Story: As a little girl, I loved all things Yin. I grew up with an ultra feminine mother who taught me to fully embrace my femininity.  I took pride in all traditionally yin activities. I also placed a higher priority on finding a husband than developing myself in the world. My mom did her best to empower me but the underlying message was loud and clear from the time I was very small- find someone strong to take care of you. I was trained to find a successful man who loved me because ultimately he would be the one taking care of me.

And that is exactly what I did.   I am not kidding when I tell you at the time of my 1st marriage, I had a sticker on my cell phone that read- ‘Fairy Tales Do Come True.” That sticker represented how deeply I was steeped in a old school romantic fantasy. Since that statement was part of my belief system, it did actually come true for me and I was happy for a while.

I attracted a very Yang Male to be my mate. A Warrior type. These types of men are very protective of their ladies. They are willing and able to handle any request, problem, and or challenges that you throw their way because they are fully Yang and fully capable. They need your love and softness but they have no problem taking complete charge of everything. The belief system was you need not worry because I will take care of everything for you.

This may be fine and dandy for a while. After all on some level, it does feel good to know someone has your back. You may even experience freedom in knowing that you can focus on other things because your safety net is strong. Your creatively may soar because you can be in the world but not of it and not be caught up in survival mode. However, what if as time goes on, “having your back” slowly starts to turn into dependency?” Its easy to divide up responsibilities and tasks according to what is most natural for each person to do but what if those roles ultimately becoming limiting to your spirit? What if after years of doing it one-way, you want a role reversal and want to activate your less dominate Male/Female energy side?

What if by knowing your partner will always handle certain tasks you stop using certain areas of your brain and you become dull in some areas? What if by having a credit card where you never receive actually receive the bill, you become reliant with a very false perception of what it takes to make it in this world and what things really cost?

This was the case for me in my 1st marriage and I know I am not alone. I loved my marriage but ultimately decided to leave. My spirit was seeking growth. When I did leave, I had a HUGE wake up call to how the real world works. Without having a husband to buffer and negotiate for me, I had to activate my Masculine Energy quickly. I was so full throttle in my Female Energy that my Masculine side was underdeveloped. This allowed people to initially take advantage of me. Lucky for me, I am fast learner.

Through extensive energy work and Yoga, I was able to properly clear and harmonized both sides. I  increased my Male Energy while retaining the positive attributes of my Female Energy. It is my personal opinion that in order to live successfully in the modern world, a woman must keep both energies in check. We want to maintain our softness yet be strong enough to go for what we want in life without hesitation. We want to know how to be firm so we don’t accept less than we should. Especially in the world of business, knowledge and balance of Male/Female energies is key.

I invite you to go within and start to play with your Masculine and Feminine energies. Notice when one is stronger than the other. Notice what activities you are doing? Is it easier for you to reside with one or the other? or Both?

You can learn to harness your Male/Female energy according to the task at hand. I recommend that you consciously become aware of which energy you need at any given time. For example, if you are signing a lease, you may want to spend a few minutes before hand and activate your Male energy while you are reviewing the contract. If you are visiting a friend in the hospital, you may want to activate your Female energies of compassion and nurturing to provide a calm space for them.

Male/Female energy balance is juicy subject that I will continue to explore for many years to come because many of us are experiencing a deep, inner change. As things intensifies, each of us will benefit from learning how to bring into harmony the Masculine/Feminine energies that make up our nature.

Men can benefit from being less controlling and more allowing. Women can become be more assertive without sacrificing their warmth & softness. Men can show vulnerability and their feelings and not be afraid to cry. Women often need to express themselves more. Men can rely on their intuition more while some women can develop more logical thinking. Men need to stop doing & striving so much and learn how to be. Women can become more independent and aggressive to get what they want out of life.

Bottom line, we were created with both of these energies so it is to our advantage to embrace both sides of ourselves. There really is no right or wrong here, it is simply figuring out the proper energetic mix for you, your body, and your life.

Enjoy the ride! Amanda




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