Clearing the Cobwebs of the Heart


Clearing the Cobwebs of the Heart

Dear friends,

Halloween is coming! I went to the local pumpkin patch Sunday and saw the familiar scarecrows, skeletons, and of course lots of cobwebs everywhere.

So this month I am focusing my personal and professional practice to clearing cobwebs, specifically the cobwebs of the heart. I find when we remove the cobwebs of our heart we are more likely to experience acceptance, self-love, freedom, kindness, compassion, psychic ability, and empathy.

Let’s face it. Nobody gets through life unscathed.  Things happen to us in life and we often hold our breath and tense up our body to endure what is happening to us. As a result, restrictions develop in the heart center or thoracic cavity. We may walk around with the sensation of heaviness & lethargy. There may be no physical reason for this, just an accumulation of grief and sadness that has not found an exit point out of the body yet.

Clearing the Cobwebs of the Heart Sessions

In a relaxed setting, you can access cellular, somatic memories stored in your heart and bring them forth, and release them.

We will use energy medicine techniques to upgrade your 4th Chakra. This may include removing energetic cords and repairing energetic heart scars.

We will also work with the acupuncture point Ren 17 with a specific combination of tuning forks to open the heart chakra and assist this powerful organ to return to its original innocence.

Aside from emotional healing, this session is also a good choice for those who have heart disease related to Type A- personality: high stress, goers/doers, can’t sit still, achiever and adrenaline junkies.

It may also provide a calming effect to Hot reactors who respond to relatively minor stresses with a great physiologic response: increases pulse rate, increased blood pressure, and increased adrenaline.

60 minute session:  $95.00

Book Your Appointment Now!

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